October provided many opportunities for families to share special times, at school (think Pumpkin Carving Day and Halloween Parades), and away (fun night with Chinese food and no dishes to wash!). November brings similar occasions including some for parents to learn together (Parent meeting) and others to socialize (our Family Feasts).
At preschool, we continue learning about creatures who make their homes in trees. Then we will move from the families of animals to our families. We will share our annual family potluck (formerly known as “Favorite Family Finger Foods”) here at the preschool. When the weather is nice, we have enjoyed holding the Feast in the courtyard between rooms 9 and 11. There is a “Plan B” if the weather is too cold, wet or windy.
Through the years, as we discuss “being thankful” with the children, we realize that their lists of what they are thankful for are quite similar to those of the adults . . . family, friends, homes, preschool (community) with toys, pets, and food trailing behind. Talking with the children about “thankfulness” is always a gentle reminder to me, of what is really important.
So, I’ll share with you that my list mirrors the children’s. I am thankful for each of you who work to make Grace Preschool a positive experience for young children and their families and that I am privileged to share it with you.
– Marlene