51E7nP9Xi-L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_“The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt with pictures by Oliver Jeffers

Poor Duncan. When he opens his box to color he only finds a stack of letters – his crayons have quit! Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking, Blue is exhausted, Pink is feeling neglected and Peach is feeling the breeze! Only Green seems to have no complaints. How will Duncan solve his Crayons problems? How can he make everyone happy?

My kids love this book. It has quickly become a favorite in our rotation. This lovely story will have your kids laughing and sharing their own thoughts, while giving crayons a whole new meaning. The colorful and entertaining illustrations come to life as each crayon gives their complaint, while protesting about their color.

My children love sharing their opinions about each color and their “problem”. The only thing they always agree on is that they are firmly on Yellow’s side!

This book was published in 2013. It was awarded Goodreads’ 2013 Picture Book of the Year and Amazon’s Best Picture Book of the Year.

– Meg Ash, Classroom Library